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SAB Trench Drains: The advanced construction of the SABdrain drainage channel gives it greater structural rigidity, protecting it from damage during and after installation.

Being manufactured from lightweight materials, SABdrain has the added advantage of being easier to handle, transport, and install.




Ayvaz’s Expansion Joints: These rubber expansion joints from Ayvaz has very high quality and they promise a reliable usage.

They come in both threaded and flanged options.








Crane is one of the most reputed brands in the manufacturing of valves.

They have a complete range of brass, bronze and cast iron valves.

They produce ball, gate, glope, check, strainers & DRVs valves.




Cewal are one of the leading suppliers of high quality pressure and temperature instrumentation.

Their pressure gauges, temperature gauges and associated products are specified, supplied and installed in all types of applications across almost every industry sector.